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Aww Shift

May 27, 2019

Today on the show, Anthony is interviewing mental performance coach, Grant Parr. The fellas are discussing Grant’s story of endurance and perseverance to come back from debilitating physical circumstances. There will be moments in your life where you go through the unknown and unexpected. Be sure to check out...

May 20, 2019

In the studio today, Anthony is taking a dig into building a better life for yourself by looking at yourself as a bouncer at the club. Everyone has experienced hurt and anguish from people that are very close to them. You have felt betrayed and had relationship issues and this list goes on and on. When stuff likes this...

May 13, 2019

Today in the studio, Anthony has Devin Basset in the studio to talk about the power to create. Devin has pulled herself out of the “why me” stage by using exercise as her bedrock. She believes that the environment that you put yourself in plays a huge role in whether or not you achieve self-success. Your environment...

May 6, 2019

Today in the studio, Anthony is going to talk about the concept of people going through an identity shift. What is an identity shift you may ask? Well everyone has an ideal identity that they spend their entire lives chasing. Your ideal identity is based on many different aspirations and goals that a person may have....