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Aww Shift

Feb 24, 2020

Success does not discriminate. It comes to all those that know what needs to be done. My guest today, James Whittaker, knows all about what action you need to take right now to win the day! James is an author and speaker whose mission is to show everyone around the world that anyone is capable of doing anything, as long...

Feb 17, 2020

Depression and anxiety are at their highest levels of all time for the world as a whole, but just because that is the case doesn’t mean that you can’t make a shift and change your whole life. My guest today, Danette May, specializes in helping people make that shift through the power of food and movement. Danette is...

Feb 10, 2020

No matter what you are doing in life, there is always a voice inside telling you that you are in the right or the wrong place. Sometimes, you just have to scrap the plan and go in a different direction. In the booth with me, today is Andrew Mcshea, a man who spent 14 years in the rat race of corporate America before...

Feb 3, 2020

In life, something will always come up that is not a part of the plan. It is inevitable, so don’t expect smooth sailing the whole way. What defines you is how you respond to the adversity that hits you hard. My guest today, Amberly Lago, knows how to respond when she gets hit hard. Amberly is a speaker, a speaker, and...