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Aww Shift

Jan 27, 2021

We always find dealing with small claims court a headache and can cause us multiple thousands of dollars when we don’t know what we are doing. We have Steven Lefkoff today to introduce us to the Gavel Program. Atty. Steven Lefkoff is a small claims court attorney who goes by the vision to help the community that is underserved. Join us as Steven helps us to understand the loops and ways to get over your cases in a small claims court.  

 [4:03] Why should we listen to you? 

What set me apart from other lawyers is I’m serving a population that is underserved.  I always think how I can help people. 

[6:40] What is the benefit of having an attorney in a small claims court

People lose cases they should win because they don’t have the right evidence, no witnesses and do not know what they do.  Having the right tools that you have will back you up on what you are fighting for. 

[9:14] Attorneys that lie

The industry is full of these kinds of people and they make it difficult for clients I help. 

[12:15] Where to start? 

When you hire an attorney, it brings the formality to the dispute. I recommend to work things out first and when you hit a roadblock you make the call. It saves you headache, time and money.  

[16:30] I launched Gavel which is an online program designed to help you understand and prepare for small claims court. First of a kind offering which is a big help to people who wants to understand and go through small claims court.  

[20:38] Being an entrepreneur and a lawyer

Having a law degree people sorts of trust you. Being in this position makes it easier to gain the trust of people in buying your product. 

[24:32] What God’s promise to the world when he made you? 

It goes back to helping people. In my case I help people in legal specifically in small claims especially they are underserved. 

Key Quotes: 

[7:00 – 7:17] “They don’t bring the cause forward either they are intimidated by the process and fail to step forward, but if you have an actionable claim the system is built to help you” 

[13:27 -13:36] “I always recommend by folks start by trying to work these things out by themselves” 

For more information on Steven Lefkoff and The Gavel Program visit: