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Aww Shift

Oct 24, 2019

In today’s world, everyone wants to make more money but no one seems to want to talk about it. Today, Anthony is talking to a wealth expert, Daniel Alonzo, about how people can achieve their financial independence. With that freedom comes choices and options, and that’s all we really want in this world. Pulling yourself out of debt and creating that ideal life does not happen by accident. It is so important to organize and plan when it comes to taking control of your life. Stay tuned to learn how to do it.

In this episode, we talk about…

  • Daniel’s story and what he does in this world
  • Common things that put people in debt
  • Organizing your life in order to pull yourself out of debt
  • Pulling yourself in the direction of wealth and how people create it
  • Keeping yourself hungry to make more money
  • What drives people to be better each and every day
  • Finding new levels when seeking to be better
  • Importance of investing wisely over your lifetime
  • Excluding all of the unnecessary information from your life


Links to resources:

DM Daniel on Instagram to receive his budget sheet!

Wealth On The Beach Podcast


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