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Aww Shift

Apr 20, 2020

Before life starts happening to us, we are children who truly live and see a world where everything is possible! Wouldn’t it be great to get back to that mindset that felt so free? My guest today is Natalie Jill, someone who takes years off of how people look, act, and feel by helping them age in reverse. Through her own struggles with depression, she was able to attract a following full of people in similar situations. Eventually, she grew a business surrounded around eating healthy and using food to change your body and mind!


In this episode, we talk about…

  • Who Natalie is and how she got here
  • There was a time as a child before life started happening to us
  • Anyone that has walked through life has experiences to share with people
  • Always come back to what is real right now
  • Responding to a significant injury in a productive and positive manner
  • Take the signs that you get in life for what they are
  • Appreciate the whole journey of life every day
  • Things you can do moving forward to stay joyous


Links to resources:

Keep up with Natalie on Instagram and on her website:

Leveling Up Podcast

My 7-Day Jumpstart

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