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Aww Shift

Jul 18, 2019

The legacy that you leave behind is how you will be remembered after you are gone. Is there anything more important? Ken Wimberly is in the studio today to talk about just that. From humble beginnings to his stint in the military, to his time in the restaurant business, to his time in the real estate business, all the...

Jul 10, 2019

Plenty of people in this world have nice cars, homes, clothes, and the big time job, yet still, aren’t happy. What is it that we are all in search of that will finally make us happy? Purpose. It is what drives us through this life on the journey to find our place in this world. Taraji Rom, a life and mindset coach, is...

Jul 1, 2019

Want to hear an incredible journey from a survivor of childhood abuse?  Tammy Loftis is in the studio with Anthony today to tell her story about how she went from this abuse to stripping while trying not to be homeless, to finally life coaching. So where was that turning point that saved Tammy’s life? She finally...